Huskers Launch – Part 3

by | Nov 20, 2014 | Weather Balloons

In our previous two blog posts, we’ve given a behind-the-scenes look at a launch that took place on September 15th, and carried into near space experiments designed by local grade school students, members of a local 4-H club, and students from the university. The balloons were launched at halftime of a Nebraska Cornhuskers football game in front of 85,000 people, with astronaut Clayton Anderson on the field to help out.
The balloons traveled to an altitude of 94,997 feet (roughly 18 miles high) before bursting and floating safely back to the ground. The balloons touched down safely in a nearby field, and the students were able to study the effects of the atmosphere on their experiments. The launch was a huge success and gave 85,000 people (plus the students) a look into the fun and ease that come with a high altitude balloon launch.

Of course, one of the most astounding parts of any balloon launchis the footage captured by the cameras. It’s amazing to look out onto our horizon from such a high altitude—a view typically reserved for satellites and astronauts. So we’ll leave you with the video below to take in the whole experience. Enjoy!


Now was that exciting or what?! Weather balloon projects are a great way to implement STEM education for all age levels from middle school through college and beyond! After the launch, the students involved will track and recover the balloon. Then they will analysis the video, pictures, and other data.

StratoStar works with educators to bridge the gap between current and future STEM skill needs. StratoStar provides education, materials, and operational expertise for partaking in projects that support your organization. Is your classroom ready to interact with a project based learning program. Take the initiative and contact StratoStarto get the ball rolling! We would love to hear from you.