How Can Gamification Help Learning?

by | Jun 22, 2015 | STEM Education Info

Did you know that as a planet we spend over 3 billion hours a week playing video and computer games? What do you think is the draw for game playing? Most of the time we think that games are simply just a way to blow off steam, spend time with your friends and family, or just another form of entertainment but games can serve a larger purpose than escapism.

Games have been used for community development and economic growth for centuries. the Olympic games were use to strengthen relationships for surrounding Greek cities among other reasons. Native Americans used games to teach skills and build pride. It is said the oldest game, Mancala, was created in Africa and is a game that teaches numbers and strategy

Games are played by every culture, every race, all socio economical levels and all ages. Games permeate the spectrum of humanity and can shower the players with many self-developmental gifts.

So what exactly is Gamification?

Gamification wiki states that “Gamification is the concept of applying game mechanics and game design techniques to engage and motivate people to achieve their goals.

When gamification is implemented in the learning experience it can have many benefits. According to Jane McGonigal Ph.D, a world renowned game developer,  games have a a lot of value.

  • We like people better if we’ve played a game with them
  • Games build bonds and trust
  • Games can be used to be our best selves

What part does Gamification play in our digitally evolving world?

  • Gamification increases motivation in solving problems
  • Gamification Increases engagement in creative solutions
  • Gamification helps educator implement necessary programs while helping the students growing needs

The most important thing is not the outcome of the game but the process of the game. During the process of the game students can:

  • Feel achievement and pride in their accomplishments
  • Learn to collaborate with others to reach a goal
  • Learn to reach out and get others involved in a solution
  • Know what it feels like to work together to achieve something bigger than themselves.
Using games within project based learning is a great way to get students thinking creatively and get them out of the classroom into different environments.
If you are thinking about implementing project based learning into your classroom contact Stratostar today.