Cons to Next Generation Science Standards

by | Jul 15, 2014 | Next Generation Science Standards

Previously we explored the Next Generation Science Standards and the pros that come with them. As a new set of standards for the STEM studies, the NGSS presents learning objectives and teaching approaches for reaching those objectives. However, does the NGSS only work to advance STEM studies? This blog will take a look at the cons that may come with the implementation of the NGSS into the classroom.

It will be expensive.

The first thing to realize about the implementation of the NGSS is how much it is going to cost. Implementing new standards and lessons can be tricky if the schools don’t have the equipment or tools necessary for them. Most public schools already have a tight budget as it is and having to reassess their inventory and purchase more capabilities may become nearly impossible.

Robot Students.

One of the greatest aspects of our education system is that it varies, producing students of all kinds. Bringing the NGSS into our schools would mean producing the same kind of student all over. The room for difference becomes increasingly smaller. We obviously want our children to all get as good an education as possible, but the NGSS dictates just exactly what every student will learn.

Robot Teachers.

When the NGSS dictates every learning objective and lesson, where is their room for creativity amongst teachers? The new set of standards will essentially create robotic teachers much like the students. When teachers are being told what and how to teach, it disrupts their flow and method of teaching. This can become a major problem when students either fall behind or work ahead; they must stay within the boundaries of the lesson proposed to them by the NGSS.

Are standards really necessary?

The new standards upholds a set of learning objectives for every student to learn, everywhere. The idea of having a standard may be a little unnecessary. Universities don’t uphold a common standard for learning, so why do we see it necessary for our K-12 students to have them? When it comes down to it, this takes away from the creativity of the teachers and their confidence in building class objectives that they find necessary.

We’ve explored the pros and the cons that come with the Next Generation Science Standards and have gotten a feel for what teachers can expect resulting in its implementation. But, there are sure to be details that we may have left out or missed. What are your thoughts on this new set of science standards? Let’s get a discussion going; message us in the form below!